# Premiere pixel aspect ratio rules and names # note: Premiere only uses the width, height, and pixel aspect ratio information # # adapted from: # "Interpretation Rules.txt" # After Effects 4.1 Automatic Footage Interpretation # # lines beginning with "#" are comments # # basic format of a rule: {match requirements} = {set interpretation} # # + for each rule that matches, the interpretation is set; wild-cards ("*") allowed # on both sides; wildcard match matches anything, wildcard set sets nothing # + multiple rules are allowed to match, later matches override earlier matches # + all rules are scanned in order, one rule per line # + rules are applied after the automatic setting of D1 pixel aspect and automatic # field separation from field-labeled files # # width, height, frame-rate, file-type, codec = # pixel aspect ratio/name, field order, conform frame-rate, alpha interp # # width & height are integer numbers # frame-rate is a decimal number # file-type is four characters in quotes (4c's) # codec (applicable for QT & AVI only) is also 4c's # # the pixel aspect ratio is a ratio of integers (e.g. 10/11) # optionally followed by a name for that ratio (e.g. 10/11/"My Aspect") # the field order is a single character, (F=frame, U=upper field, or L=lower field) # the conform frame-rate is a decimal number # alpha interp: (I=ignore, S=straight, P=premul/black, W=premul/white) # alpha interp is ignored for footage without an alpha channel # # assume ATSC 704x480 in any format is D1 aspect 704, 480, *, *, * = 10/11, *, *, * # assume NTSC DV is D1 aspect 720, 480, *, *, * = 10/11, *, *, * # NTSC D1 is D1 aspect 720, 486, *, *, * = 10/11, *, *, * # PAL D1/DV 720, 576, *, *, * = 768/702, *, *, * # only adds a custom pixel aspect ratio to the UI # uncomment the next line to try it out # 0, 0, 0, "0000", * = 10/11/"Custom Aspect", *, *, *